Pls Help! I'm about to marry my very rich boyfriend who cheats and gave me STDs

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Pls Help! I'm about to marry my very rich boyfriend who cheats and gave me STDs


A young lady who has been branded as mentally deranged by those guys at yabaleftonline, has revealed her experience with her boyfriend, who she is about to marry.

In a post shared by a relationship page on Instagram, the lady reveals she’s dating a very rich Nigerian Guy who is bad in bed, who beats her a lot, who cheats a lot and has infected her with STDs a couple of time… But still, she’s set to marry him.

She wrote:
“My boyfriends lies can wake up the dead but still I am about to marry him. His cheating game has no end but still I am about to marry him. The stds I have treated is countless but still I am about to marry him. He beats me blue black and makes sure that I bleed before he let go, but still I am about to marry him.
The worst is that he is not good in bed, 1min man but still I am about to marry him. The good side about him is his money spending, he spends money on me after a bad sex, he buys me new things after the beating that sometimes if I am broke I just wait for him to hit me and my bank account begins to smile.
I change cars like clothes and financially I am ok with him. I need you all to give me reasons why I should back off from this marriage ? This is the first rich guy I have dated since I was born, the rest guys are so poor that I feed them, I have loved and over loved but it does not work, I end up losing or they dump me. I want to leave but the question is to where?”

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