Duke dumps PDP for APC

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Duke dumps PDP for APC


Ex-Minister for Tourism and Culture under President Goodluck Jonathan, Edem Duke, has dumped the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Duke, from Cross River State, who registered in his Edem Odo Ward in Akpabuyo local government area yesterday, said his defection was a declaration of commitment to work in upholding the nation and broadening the scope of participation in the federal’s government.

“I am one who is always passionate about the development of my community. Having taken a look at the political landscape of Nigeria, I believe I cannot be an inactive observer in the trend of development in our country today.
“It is a call to duty for us to salvage our country and that is principally the issue that influencd my declaration for the APC today.
“For me what I see the APC is doing is rekindling hope in Nigeria and encouraging those who have active years left to join the task of constructing and reconstructing the various strata of our social, economic and cultural daevelopment and I think that I am a relevant player in all of that,” he said.
Chairman of Cross River APC John Ochala, who was represented by his secretary, Victor Ebong, warned against discrimination of new members.

He welcomed Duke to the party, saying his entrance would help build the partay in the state.

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