Domestic Violence: Peter Okoye engage his followers who reacted to his post

Monday, 15 May 2017

Domestic Violence: Peter Okoye engage his followers who reacted to his post

Following the rate at which celebrity marriages is crashing because of accusations of domestic violence, Singer, husband, father of two, and the other half of the singing duo, Peter Okoye of Psquare in an instagram post spoke up against it.  He shared the above customized shirt and wrote;
"But seriously some MEN can fall hand.😕 Next time if u want to beat or hit a Woman. Pls try beating me @peterpsquare @anthony_joshua or @floydmayweather then you will be called a reeeeeeeeaal MAN!😡Baboons! #StopDomesticViolence #RealMenDontBeatWomen #WomenAreNotPunchingBags 🥊�� #whereIsThelove❓"
Well, some followers of his disagreed with him and tried to troll him for it. Peter was having none of it and shut them up.

See their banter after the cut:

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