“I Am Happy With My Short, Dark And Handsome Husband” – Woman Married To Disabled “Small” Man Says

Wednesday 15 March 2017

“I Am Happy With My Short, Dark And Handsome Husband” – Woman Married To Disabled “Small” Man Says

A Kenyan woman married to a disabled man shared her heartwarming story on Facebook – as she declares her love for him, and reveals how they both met and all. 

She says:

“We were worshiping together at a church in 2003. We parted ways in 2004 and we would later meet in 2009. I didn’ t see him in that boyfriend /girlfriend way but we were friends, normal friends. ” she said.
He would always tell me that I look like a woman who can make a good mom for his kids . Then one thing led to another and in 2010 he proposed. I was overwhelmed , by the love and what people would say . You see he is short and disabled. I wasn ’t sure about whether to say yes or no so I asked him for more time . I prayed to God and I became sure it was him.
Many people talked so Ill of us . Some said I accepted him because I was desperate .
“It is all water under a bridge. We had a colorful wedding in 2011. I am so happy with my “ short , dark and handsome . We are trying for kids but no pressure at all . I am actually happy. Very happy”

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