Amina Mohammed outline agenda at UN

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Amina Mohammed outline agenda at UN

The United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, Ms Amina Mohammed, has said her responsibility at the global body will be to focus primarily on helping the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, to reposition sustainable development at the heart of the organization.

Mohammed, who made the remarks during her first official press briefing at the UN Headquarters in New York, said while sustainable development was not an end in itself, it is the best way to achieve universal peace.

“The Secretary-General is committed to fast-track transformation. He has already outlined his underlying vision. His vision focuses on prevention over response,” she said at the briefing.
“It lays greater emphasis on cross-pillar work to address the root causes of instability, vulnerability and conflict.
“He is determined to reposition sustainable and inclusive development at the heart of the UN. And he is committed to institutional capacity building across all areas of our work.”
She said three broad principles – strengthening leadership, addressing the trust deficit and focusing on results at the country level where all of those in need are located – would underpin the work ahead.
“We will improve governance on system-wide issues that do not belong to any individual governing body.
“We will identify institutional incentives that can ensure collective guidance by Member States and make the system more responsive to national priorities,” Mohammed added.

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