‘We will always be a family’ - Angelina Jolie opens up about divorce

Monday 20 February 2017

‘We will always be a family’ - Angelina Jolie opens up about divorce

Angelina Jolie has opened up for the first time about her painful split with Brad Pitt, saying, “it was a very difficult time and… and we are a family and we will always be a family, and we will get through this time and hopefully be a stronger family for it.”

The actress, who filed for divorce from Pitt last year amid contentious circumstances, told BBC World News, “Many, many people find themselves in this situation. My whole, my family…we’ve all being through a difficult time. And it’s not… My focus is my children, our children, and it is… and my focus is finding this way through and as I said we are… we are and forever will be a family and so that is my, that is how I am coping. I am coping with finding a way through to make sure that this somehow makes us stronger and closer.”

Jolie spoke to the BBC’s Yalda Hakim ahead of the premiere of her new film “First They Killed My Father”, a story about genocide, in Cambodia.

When asked where she thinks she’ll be in five years time, when her kids will all be teenagers Jolie added, “I would like to be traveling around the world visiting my children hoping that they’re just happy and doing really interesting things, and I imagine in many different parts of the world, and I’ll be supporting them. And everything I do I hope is that I represent something, and I represent the right things to my children, and give them the right sense of what they’re capable of, and the world as it should be seen. Not through the prism of Hollywood or through a certain kind of life, but really take them into the world, where they have a really good sense and become rounded people.”

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