Reasons why you should never date someone who hides their PHONES from you

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Reasons why you should never date someone who hides their PHONES from you

Today, in many cases, your phone is a direct reflection of your life. In today’s “digital age,” or whatever you’d like to call it, people’s faces are plastered to their phone screens 9 times out of 10.

What does this equate to? Our phones becoming little, hand-held versions of our own lives–full of all our likes and interests tailored into “apps.” By preventing someone you’re in a relationship with from having access to your phone, you might also be preventing him or her access from a part of your life that he or she may feel more secure being let in on.

If the names don’t add up, the story probably won’t either.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend isn’t doing anything shady on his or her phone, there’s no reason why he or she should keep their phones from you.

If, however, you start noticing texts from certificate names you have no knowledge of, when he or she receives calls inconveniently around you, or decides to silence his or her phones under the disguise of not wanting disturbance when you are together, and the excuses they give to you doesn’t make real sense, it’s probably not by any great coincidence. He or she is cheating on you.

Your partner isn’t guarded by a password. When in a relationship, you should have full openness with your significant spouse. This concept can’t follow a “sometimes” policy, though, and only be enforced when it’s convenient.

If a four-digit password or screen lock pattern is the barrier between you and certain aspects of your partner’s private life, I don’t know, how that feels. As if you’re on the outside of something important. You always feel so insecure. Your significant spouse shouldn’t feel protective over the contents of his or her phone, if truly he or she is not playing you, so definitely the contents of his or her phone shouldn’t be different from their real lives.

If your partner is fearful of you seeing something you wouldn’t like on his or her phone, well, then, maybe you’re not the right person after all. I believe, phones should serve as phones, not sources of inconsistency regarding someone’s character.

Phones can create separate realities. Whether you choose to accept it or not, phones can often create an entirely separate sense of reality from one’s own physical life. While you’re pretty confident your girlfriend or boyfriend isn’t living a double life, inside that iPhone, iPad or android phone, you really can never be too sure in today’s era.

It’s not an extra limb, so people should stop taking their phones so seriously. For many people, their phones is like an extension from their hand – and they treat it with as much seriousness as they would treat a part of their body.

Sure, I get it, phones are certainly important but when people start mistaking them for aspects of reality, that’s when they become troublesome. So be watchful, so you dont fall into wrong hands.

Note: If you cant share secrets on your phones with someone whom you promised that she would be the bones and flesh of your flesh, then who will you share it with?

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