Kim Jong-nam killing: Poison dose so high he died in '15 to 20 minutes'

Sunday 26 February 2017

Kim Jong-nam killing: Poison dose so high he died in '15 to 20 minutes'

A new report has emerged as regards the death of North Korea President brother, Kim Jong-un in Malaysia.

According to reports, the dose of poison given to North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un’s half-brother was so high it killed him “within 15 to 20 minutes”, Malaysia’s health minister has said.

Kim Jong-nam died on 13 February at Kuala Lumpur airport from being poisoned with VX nerve agent, a banned chemical substance classified by the UN as a weapon of mass destruction.

Subramaniam Sathasivam said on Sunday that the dose of VX given to Kim was so high it “would have affected everything”.
“VX only requires 10mg to be absorbed into the system to be lethal, so I presume that the amount of dose that went in is more than that,” he said at a news conference.
“The doses were so high and it did it so fast and all over the body, so it would have affected his heart, it would have affected his lungs, it would have affected everything.”
[Culled from UK Guardian]

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