See how this Instagram page is breaking nudity policy by posting bare nipples photos (+18)

Tuesday 17 January 2017

See how this Instagram page is breaking nudity policy by posting bare nipples photos (+18)

One account is challenging Instagram’s nudity policy one nipple at a time.  As it stands now, the media company seems to only flag and remove nipples belonging to women for violating their no-nudity community guidelines.

Genderless_Nipples is a new account dedicated to confusing Instagram censors by posting close-up photos of nipples that make it hard to tell whether the photo is of a man or a woman.

via Mashable:

Instagram has come under fire before for its strict stance on female nudity, even when that nudity is not sexualized. The app often removes photos showing women’s nipples and does not do the same for men.
The account, spotted by Paper Magazine, has had photos of male nipples removed from its page since it started posting in December.
“Instagram, you can’t even tell the difference between male and female nipples; who could!? So why even bother banning female nipples if they can be so similar?” the account holders wrote in a post.
The account’s bio implores users and Instagram to “support all genders” and change Instagram’s policy on female nudity.
#FreeTheNipple activists have tried to outsmart Instagram before, most notably when women copied-and-pasted cutouts of male nipples over their own.
See some of their post below:

A photo posted by Genderless Nipples (@genderless_nipples) on

A photo posted by Genderless Nipples (@genderless_nipples) on

Don't know if Instagram will continue to pardon this post, but we must say this is pretty smart from the media company.

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