(MUST READ) Nine Simple at home workouts that will begin to shape your body

Thursday 12 January 2017

(MUST READ) Nine Simple at home workouts that will begin to shape your body

It's January once more, and you're pale, carrying around extra holiday pounds and broke from all the gift and celebratory food shopping. If only you could hibernate for one month to sleep it all off. But, real life awaits--and, you can't. 

You've made your obligatory New Year's resolutions, and still haven't even started. They say January is cuddle season, but we say it's workout season. Now is the time to prove that you can work off those holiday cookies to look great not just in January, but all year round. Too cold for you to head out to the gym or go for a walk? No problem. 

We've compiled a list of nine simple at home workouts that will begin to shape your body. Really, these moves are so easy, you have no excuse not to try them. And, once you do, you'll be addicted to getting a wiggle on your jiggle.

1. Bodyweight squat. Some personal trainers say that squats are one of the best exercises you can do for overall health and fitness. They workout your legs, which help hold your body up. But, they are also the biggest muscles in your body. Time flies by quickly. Before you know it, you'll be wearing shorts again. So, why not tone up your stems? 

All you have to do is stand as tall as you can with your feet spread slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold your arms out, parallel to the floor. Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Pause, then push up to starting position. If you're a newbie, do 15 to 20 of these. If you find you need a bit of a kick before working out, there are many pre workout solutions to try such as Angel Dust extreme pre workout.

2. Oblique crunches. We all want a flat tummy. Some of us are even ambitious enough to want a six-pack. If you're gonna achieve that goal, you'll need to do crunches. Bring a bench or chair next to you. Lie on your back, but lift your calves to rest on the bench or chair. Use your abs to lift your body up to reach your knees. Pause, then return to starting position. Try 20 of these, then do another 20 to start.

3. Basic plank. This exercise isn't for the faint of heart, but it works your entire body and can be done at home. You want to move towards the act of lying on your stomach, but you hold your body up with your toes and your forearms. Try to hold your body up for 10 seconds, take a rest, and repeat.

4. Wall Push-up. Push-ups are great, but we've got to start somewhere. This is where you can start building up your strength with a wall push-up. Press your arms into a wall, with your palms flat. Lean forward with your feet behind your shoulders. Push and bend your arms forward, doing the standing push-up. Then, push your body back and stretch out your arms. Repeat this 20 times.

5. Standing calf raises. We all want sexy calves, right? Well, all you have to do is stand and lift. Lean onto a wall for support. Focus on one calf at a time. Lift your calf to where your soles are reaching towards your rear and repeat. Do 30 reps per calf.

6. Forward walking lunge. This is about walking around the house, but instead of walking, you are lunging. Each time you take a step forward, bend your body to reach towards the ground then lift up. Take another step, and bend to do a lunge. Try 10 walking lunges per leg to start.

7. Chair dips. If you plan on wearing sleeveless tops in the late spring and summer, then this work out is for you. Sit on the end of a chair. Slide down to the bottom and bend your elbows behind you to 90 degrees. Keep your back close to the chair. Push yourself up with your arms, return and repeat. Try to do 12 reps.

8. Air bike. Lie your back and bend your legs, in the air. Pretend you are riding a bike. This is an old-school workout that really packs a punch! If you need a bit of a fat burning boost, you might want to buy ds Lean Xtreme to really help you obliterate extra pounds.

9. Butt squeeze. Lie on your back, with your knees bent. Push your rear up towards the ceiling while squeezing your glutes at the same time. Hold, then return to starting position. Try 20 reps. You'll feel the burn soon.

So what do you think of our nine simple at home workouts? You now have no excuse not to look amazing. Try it for a month, and see how much your body has transformed.

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