MMM participants lose their cool, attack each other, guiders

Thursday 19 January 2017

MMM participants lose their cool, attack each other, guiders

The cracks within the MMM community in Nigeria have continued to widen with many of the three million participants in the Ponzi scheme losing patience and trading accusations due to their inability to get their money out of the scheme after waiting for more than a month.

After being mocked Nigerians opposed to the scheme and fed excuses by those behind it for over a month, confidence in the scheme is declining with participants questioning its mode of operation and faulting explanations offered by guiders.

The discontent with MMM became evident this week after all payment (Get Help) requests by participants were removed by the scheme. The development meant that even the poor or small investors that the scheme said upon its ‘return’ on January 13 it would pay before higher investors were equally frozen out.

Ironically, the frustration follows the wild jubilation that followed its return on January 13.
“We were patient for a whole month. What were you guys doing during that period? It’s not right that after you made us wait for so long, you are now making some upgrade or whatever without pre-informing us. You are now preaching patience,” a participant, Busola, wrote on one of the schemes help platforms,
When accused by an anonymous participant of being rude and refusing to calm down, Busola fired back, “Dear anonymous, why not carry cane and start flogging me? Last I checked it was a free world. There’s no law against me saying my mind or ranting as you claim. Plus if I can remember clearly, you didn’t pay for my subscription so who the f**k are you to ask me why I am ranting. You really don’t want me to divert my attention to you,trust me. I don’t know you and you won’t wanna know me…”

Another participant with the username Jane suggested that participants should be made to provide help before getting help, saying, “This is what majority of your participants want, this is Nigeria, nobody is going to willingly PH once paid for fear of not being paid again, we are ready to PH to GH because then we are sure there would always be somebody to pay us.”

However, she was told such a move would negate the MMM ideology. She warned that the scheme was losing trust as a result of the problem, saying, “Making people wait endlessly without hope of getting their money back negates MMM ideology even more so chose which is better,100 per cent loss of trust which is ongoing or 50 per cent loss of trust.”

Joseph Adeiye accused the guiders of collapsing the system and made a call for guiders to provide help to sustain the system. His view was shared by several people including one Olamide, who posted, “Those guiders are the reason for the problems the system is facing. A guider GH 2.4m but he only PH 300k. Imagine that f*^k%*ry! They are all thieves and will not want to PH. Greedy bastards.”

He added, “They had a whole month to do this stupid upgrade but they didn’t do anything. I am seriously suspecting that they are intentionally causing the panic so that the system will crash. Bastards!!!! All of dem”.

When a participant, Sunday Olawoyin, called for patience and for the MMM administrators to be commended as one month was not enough for the system upgrade, he was attacked by aggrieved participants including one Ike Oko.

Oko retorted, “Quiet your mouth there. A site can be running and still be upgraded, it is just a matter of uploading the files to the server. Do stop saying wizard, wizard this. All programmers and even ordinary web developers can do it too. Do shut your trap .”

An anonymous participant, however, continued to defend the scheme, and expressed surprise that people were not satisfied with the explanations provided for the challenges.
“Let’s be patient and understanding… Have you considered the fact that maybe there is not enough PH (help) to go round? You paid to somebody and you need someone to pay you.”
In response to the anonymous comment, MMM Nigeria help replied, “Together we change the world.” But that only enraged aggrieved participants with Jane posting, “MMM is just mocking us with dis useless slogan of “together we change the world” can’t you see it’s not working in this case? chai! dem warn me I no hear.”

A participant with the username, Fagsam, lamented, “I’m getting tired and losing confidence in this system already. People are now making mockery of me that “didn’t we tell you not to do mmm?”… Everything needed should have been done during the break…. Sad something.”

As the debate raged on, some participants begged those behind the scheme to pity them, while others were worried about the growing panic and negative reports it would generate.
“Please, MMMNigeria, don’t fail us because we have never failed you people since we started…We are just speechless,” wrote Chinaza Abel.
But some have given up on the scheme with one of them posting, “This MMM is fraudulent. Poor people like us are suffering so much. I wish I never put my money on MMM. God will forever punish MMM and all the people behind it, forever and ever.”

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