Chinese Restaurant Exposed For Serving Human Feet To Diners

Thursday 26 January 2017

Chinese Restaurant Exposed For Serving Human Feet To Diners

A Chinese restaurant has been accused of serving human feet after a waiter posted a gruesome picture – allegedly taken in its kitchen – on social media. The grim photo shows what looks like two severed and partially decomposed human feet in a blue bowl.

It surfaced after a diner went into the restaurant and asked for the Chinese delicacy of bear paws.

The waiter, who was not named in reports, claims his picture of human feet were the ‘bear paws’ that were later served to the diner and his friends.

After seeing the disturbing picture on social media, a regular customer reported it to the authorities.

Police and food standards officials inspected the restaurant and found 55lbs of meat and frozen fish of doubtful origin which is highly suspected to be human.

They also found dirt and grease all over the refrigerators, on the floors and on the oven.

The restaurant is still pending investigation and the owners risk arrest.

[UK Daily Mail]

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