Burnaboy recounts the moment he told his primary school teacher that he hated school

Monday, 30 January 2017

Burnaboy recounts the moment he told his primary school teacher that he hated school

Music artiste Burna Boy shared this blast from his past. According to him:
"I remember back In Montessori primary School Port Harcourt, Nigeria. My teacher mr Morgan made us write down what we wanted 2 become in the future nd why, I wrote: "I want 2 be a rockstar because I love Music and I Hate School" in those exact words TRUE STORY! lol. Shit has a funny way of always working out doesn't it? Stay in school sha o! Don't go and say I told u not to go School! #RIPmrMorgan #Rock$Tr"
Isn't that weed that he is smoking?

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