Golden Globes can suck a d**k - 50 Cent outburst after organizers snubbed Power

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Golden Globes can suck a d**k - 50 Cent outburst after organizers snubbed Power

Rapper 50 Cent has taken to his social media page to blast organizers of Golden Globes Awards after his series, Power was snubbed.

He wrote:

I'm on the move again, Golden globe's can suck a d**ck. I accept my series POWER was not intended to be a signature show for the network but it is the highest rated show. I know my audience very well, I'm done promoting this out side of contractual obligations. SEASON 4 KANAN MUST DIE, I got other shit to do.
He also revealed he is giving up on the show as Floyd Mayweather would take over. He wrote:

I'm off the POWER train, champ is gonna do the show. Go to him for more info, I gotta do something different.
Have you seen the series? Do you think his series movie 'Power' deserves to be given a nudge? 

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