+18 Article: A rainy afternoon

Saturday 3 December 2016

+18 Article: A rainy afternoon

 was returning from the mall where I went to get stuff to make lunch when the clouds suddenly parted and it was pouring. Thankfully, I was not far from home, I thought, as I tried to navigate through the darkening weather and rain violently hitting my windshield.

I spotted her from afar. She was wearing a cotton white shirt which I thought was a bad idea under the rain. I was right because as I got closer, I noticed her top was completely soaked and I could see through the fabric to her dark-coloured bra. I decided to be a gentleman and parked.

“Do you need a ride?” I called out, winding down the glass on the passenger’s side. She quickly nodded and I unlocked the door.

She sighed as soon as she sat down. “Thank you so much.”

“It’s no problem. I am Dammy.”

“I’m Jennifer. Thanks again.” She said, smiling at me.

I nodded. “Do you live far from here?”

“Sadly, yes. I came to the area to deliver a package for my mother and I got stuck here. No bus, no cab.”

“Wow. Sorry about that. I actually stay in the area so where would you like me to drop you off?”

She considered me for a few seconds, biting her bottom lip as she thought.

“How about you wait out the rain at my place and I can help you find a cab home afterwards?” I suggested, holding my breath in the hopes that she would agree.

She looked at me for a few minutes, probably trying to decide if going to a stranger’s house was a good idea. “Yes. That sounds good, thanks,” she finally said, to my delight.

As we drove, I kept glancing towards her. I could make out a black lacy bra underneath her shirt now that she was close enough. I could also make out her N!.pplss which seemed hard, perhaps due to the rain. She was very attractive, no doubt about that, and she was coming home with me.

She offered to make our lunch as a ‘thank you’ for helping her out. I gladly sat on the living room sofa, waiting for her to finish. She had earlier changed into a shirt of mine so her clothes can dry out. This meant that now, she was in my kitchen, covered in nothing but my shirt. The thought aroused me as I waited for her.

After a few minutes, she served our food and we ate together. Soon we were talking and getting to know each other. I tried to concentrate on her words but the fact that she was N@kkd underneath my cloth was very distracting. I wanted to make a move but I have learned that at times like this, it is better if she does. I knew it was just a matter of time because she had gotten so comfortable with me that her thigh was grazing mine on the couch and she did not seem to mind.

She was telling me about how she worked for her mother’s boutique and came all this way to deliver some clothes someone ordered. She smiled as she talked, her eyes encouraging me but I held back even though that was hard for me to do. Eventually, after lunch, she cleared our plates and came back to her spot beside me.

“That shirt looks great on you,” I said. She smiled at the compliment and leant in to plant her lips on mine. I kissed her back, wrapping my hands around her body. She moaned, shifting closer towards me.

We could hear the rain hitting my window pane with a vengeance as we kissed. Her lips were warm on mine and so was her body as I slipped my hand underneath the shirt, running it against her body, to her bre@.$ts. She moaned as I made contact, shifting even closer so I could touch her. I did, enjoying the feel of her N!.pplss as they pointed against me.

In a rush, her hands moved towards my trouser button and zipper. Evidently, she wanted to get straight to things. I did not mind. I wanted desperately to bury myself in her too. I let her take off my shorts then pushed her so she was laying on the sofa. I took off my shirt from her body so I can gaze at her bre@.$ts before entering her. As I pounded into her, her B@.0bs jiggled very alluringly.

I leant forward to take one N!.ppls in my mouth, sucking as I went in and out. She moaned, shifting against me. I took the other N!.ppls and F**.Cked her as I sucked again. She wrapped her legs around me, moaning and holding on to me tightly.

As I got closer and closer to climax, I pounded harder and harder inside of her. She met my thrusts by pushing herself off the couch. I slid in very deeply and then pulled out so my tip grazed against her entrance, then pushed in again. She seemed to love that because she kept crying for more.

“Harder, Harder,” she kept mumbling. I kept hitting her and soon felt the tightening in my balls a few seconds before I exploded deep inside her.

We F**.Cked three more times before she left. The rain had stopped long ago but we really enjoyed each other’s company. She gave me her number as I said goodbye to her in the cab, asking me to call.

I most likely won’t.


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