So sad! "Goodnight and goodbye TOFUNMI" - Nigerian woman mourns the death of her little girl

Sunday, 27 November 2016

So sad! "Goodnight and goodbye TOFUNMI" - Nigerian woman mourns the death of her little girl

This really touched me😢😢😢. One Shola Raphael lost her daughter, Tofunmi to the cold hands of death on November 12th. She took to her Facebook page to share the sad news: 

Read below:

"7 days ago...12th of nov a black Saturday,a miserable day dat left me me with pains of agony, dropped bitterness in my entire family, as so on...death stole wat does not belong to him #MY JOY"TOFUNMI #. My little angel TOFUNMI " I know ur sitted on the right hand of God singing praises with the Angels and there u will be until we meet. Mummy n daddy still Luvs u, ur brothers n sister are missing you, uncles n aunties r hoping to see you someday, and so r ur grannies. Goodnight and goodbye TOFUNMI" 


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