Science finally explains who enjoys sex more between a Male or Female (READ)

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Science finally explains who enjoys sex more between a Male or Female (READ)

Scientist has finally been able to ascertain who among a guy and a lady enjoys sex the most. According to statistics, 75% of men have orgasm while having sex with their partner compared to 26% of women

This has been raging battle for a long time. We have thrown it at the opposite sex. Guys have said ladies do less of the work, women enjoy it more. Ladies have also pointed to guys because they are reach orgasm quicker, so men enjoy sex more than women.

The passing of the bulk is customary to all of us, but what has science have to say about this according to Sex expert, Tracey Cox, Mail Online

Men have stronger sex drive

There is the common saying that men think about sex a lot, which is probably true. Men under 60 years of age think about sex at least once a day, while only a quarter of women in the same age say the same.

Men tend to have spontaneous arousal and more fantasies than women. A study conducted by Florida State University discovered that men want more sex from women at all stages of the relationship, so the ladies win on this one. The likely reason for this is that men are biologically programmed to be more powerful and are strongly responsible for passing down their genetic material while women are wired to seek for emotional connection and sexual because of the support they’ll require in taking care of the babies. This isn’t the excuse for men to be cheat because they’re hardwired to pass down genetic materials.

We have reviewed a lot about men and their sex drive. It isn’t all bad for ladies, to make up for lower sex drive, women can have multiple orgasms, so they have a great time once they start having sex. It’s quicker to have orgasm after they’ve just had one, it’s really quicker to go again. Sensitivity of the clitoris might affect but asides that, its good to go! Good to go!! Unlike men who have to take time to recuperate.

Men also have multiples such as orgasm and ejaculation. Here is the difference between this two; Orgasm men feel happen in the brain, while ejaculation happens when the penis ejects semen. Men can have both independent of each other, but that’s a topic for another day.

Men orgasm from penetrative sex

Men ideally orgasms within 3 to 5 minutes of penetrative sex, women take longer like between 10 to 20 minutes taking all conditions into consideration like direct stimulation of the clitoris than regular intercourse.  According to statistics, 75 per cent of men always have orgasm while having sex with their partner while just 26 per cent of women achieve this. This seems like a fair point for the guy until you introduce oral sex into it for ladies, where statistics have revealed that 81 per cent of women achieve orgasm in sex if it involved oral sex.

It is also worthy to note that women who have sex with women who have sex have more orgasm than women who have sex with men.

We all fake orgasms

The regular culprits of these are women but sadly men do it as well. The reasons aren’t as different from the ladies. Guys too get tired or something steals his attention or his dick just went limp. The problem here is that there can be lack of evidence i.e semen. Men have said women don’t take it lightly when they find out guys faked orgasm even worse than when he climaxes and they don’t. Women also do it to get over bad ass sex.

Men have more direct sex drive than women

We all influenced by peer group, and most importantly religion. For instance, women who go to church are much more sexually conservative compared to churchgoing men and their sexual attitudes. A major study by US Sociologist Edward Laumann discovered that women are more influenced by social and cultural factors than men when it comes to sex. While educated women are known to experiment more with sex. A quick disclaimer, this doesn’t mean that men are not interested in love, they just see sex as a way to show intimacy. Women like to have the connection first then the sex.

For men, it can be that earlier in life, he masturbated so his first experience with sex was purely physical pleasure, relationships come later whereas for a woman, her first experience of sex is through a relationship.

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