Photos: British Woman Creates World’s First All-terrain Wheelchair In Kenya

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Photos: British Woman Creates World’s First All-terrain Wheelchair In Kenya

British inventor that grew up in Kenya has created a wheelchair that can handle jungles and deserts. Janna Deebel, 23, designed the SafariSeat after being bound to a wheelchair for months following an accident, with the rural Africa setting in mind.

The wheelchair has four wheels each suspended so as to help it maneuver rough terrains. Parts needed to make the wheelchair are readily available such as from bicycles etc making the wheelchair low cost.

Jana is training local workshops to make the chairs for their communities.


Unknown said...

Contact number for designer ?

Maestro Perostar said...

Thanks, Irene Davo, we tried to get the personal contact with the designer but we were only able to get is Instagram and website which are listed below:

Website (Not personal):

Personal Instagram:


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