LeBron James Declares For Hillary Clinton At Cleveland Rally

Monday, 7 November 2016

LeBron James Declares For Hillary Clinton At Cleveland Rally

LeBron James, 31, already made it perfectly clear that he’ll be casting his ballot for Hillary Clinton, 69, but he still wanted to get an important message out to millennial voters. Taking the stage at a Cleveland rally alongside the Democratic candidate on Nov. 6, the four-time MVP assured everyone their voices will be heard only if they take action. 

LeBron opened up about his own childhood, adding, “I grew up in an intercity and I know the whole notion of getting out and voting. I was one of those kids that were like ‘our vote doesn’t matter,’ but it really does. We have to get out and make sure we vote!” 

LeBron continued, “We have to be knowledgeable about what’s going on, about what we see that our future entails, and this woman right here has the brightest future for our world!” His fellow Cavaliers teammate JR Smith, who is also pro-Hillary, appeared on the stage with his adorable daughter as well. LeBron made sure to address how he’s inspired by Hillary’s ideals, explaining how she would foster an America where everyone can “make their dreams a reality!” The NBA star officially endorsed the candidate in Oct., since he feels that she would fight for a better future for the poor children in both his hometown of Akron, Ohio and in the rest of the United States.

LeBron even noted how they’re working towards the same cause. “Like my foundation, Hillary has always been a champion for children and their futures,” he wrote in his op-ed for Business Insider. “For over 40 years, she’s been working to improve public schools, expand access to health care, support children’s hospitals, and so much more.” After creating the LeBron James Family Foundation, the NBA star worked to help kids stay in school, despite their circumstances. So, when it comes down to making his choice on Nov. 8, LeBron is definitely going with Hillary!

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