Check Out These Couple’s MMM Wedding That's Got People Talking

Monday, 7 November 2016

Check Out These Couple’s MMM Wedding That's Got People Talking

A couple has put the internet on frenzy after branding their wedding cake with MMM logo denoting that they got the money from the wedding from MMM.

According to reports, the couple is said to have gotten the money used for their wedding from the popular social financial network scheme. In a bid to appreciate the scheme and let the doubting Thomas know that the scheme works, the couple proudly tagged ‘MMM’ on one of their wedding cakes.

There photo above has gone viral with many praising the scheme the more. For those who do not know what MMM means, MMM stands for Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox and takes its name from its founder, Sergei Panteleevich Mavrodi of Russia. He founded MMM in 1989 and the scheme was declared bankrupt three years later leading to the disappearance of Mavrodi until his arrest in 2003.

While some people who were skeptical about the scheme started with small amounts, it is believed some poured in thousands of dollars anticipating higher returns. The South African Reserve Bank said the schemes were fraudulent as existing investors were ‘paid money not from genuine market investment of their funds, but from contributions made by new investors, until a point when the scheme can no longer attract new investors.”

Lots of South Africans are on the scheme and believe the scheme actually works.

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