Woman tries to run Her Ex-Boyfriend and His Fiancee Over With Her Car in Broad Daylight

Thursday 27 October 2016

Woman tries to run Her Ex-Boyfriend and His Fiancee Over With Her Car in Broad Daylight

Photo for illustration purpose

An aggrieved woman has attempted to kill her ex-boyfriend and his fiancee by running her car against them in public

Chariott Burks, a mother from Memphis, USA, has been locked up the police.

The woman is being locked up on $50,000 bond after being accused of trying to run down the father of her child and his fiancee.

According to News Channel3, the incident occurred in the 3400 Block of Metropolitan near the airport area.

Police said Chariott Burks went to Derrick Taylor's apartment to pick up their three-year-old daughter and got upset when Taylor asked her why she was late.

Witnesses say Burks put her car in reverse and tried to hit Taylor's fiance with her car and then drove around a dumpster to try to hit Taylor.

Taylor's sister says the three-year-old was in the car with Burks at the time and says Burks came close to hitting an 11-year-0ld girl who also outside.

Danielle Taylor-Tate says Burks has tried to hit her brother before with a car and just missed him this time.
"I know she's got things going on in her life, but everyone has problems. You aren't suppose to take it out like that," said Tate.
Court records show Burks was arrested in 2011 for domestic violence.

She is charged with two counts of aggravated assault.

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