Wanputu! Meet 88 Yr Old Baba Who Has 97 Wives And Satisfies All Of Them Sexually

Monday 17 October 2016

Wanputu! Meet 88 Yr Old Baba Who Has 97 Wives And Satisfies All Of Them Sexually

An 88-year-old man from Niger State, Bello Abubakar Masaba, with 97 wives and about 190 children, has said that he is able to meet his wives’ s*xual needs because “God has given (him) the power and strength.”

Masaba, an Islamic scholar, and healer, was detained in 2008 for failing the keep the Sharia Law of not marrying more than 4 wives, told newsmen over the weekend in Bida, Niger State that every time he comes across a new ‘Miss Right’, he marries her.

“In his wisdom, God has given me the power and strength to give them the s*xual portion they need. If I didn’t satisfy them, they would leave,” the octogenarian said to DailyPost.
Masaba failed to obey the order by the Sharia Court, which said that he should let go of 82 of the 86 wives he had at the time (2008).

The case dragged into an Abuja High Court and he was released after 57 of the wives testified that they married him willingly.

He also debunked rumors of his death.

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