Unbelievable! Man Kills Brother-In-Law for doing this ...

Friday 14 October 2016

Unbelievable! Man Kills Brother-In-Law for doing this ...

A man has used a log of wood to brutally murder his brother-in-law for continuously pestering him for bride price. The man who was arrested told police he killed his wife's brother as he was always in the habit of making such demands anytime he was drunk.

According to The Chronicle, Thomas Moyo, 63 is now cooling his head in police custody for killing Fayo Ncube, 52. The incident happened last Thursday around 9 pm in Zimbabwe. Moyo was arrested on Tuesday at an abandoned shack where he had been hiding at Ndamuleni Village.

Fayo’s daughter Ms Sithokozile Ncube said Moyo was arrested in a bush about 25 km from their village.

“Villagers embarked on a manhunt for the killer who had vanished from the village immediately after he committed the crime. He fled from the scene leaving my father lying unconscious on the ground.
“Since that day, he had not been seen. Villagers found him hiding in a shack at an abandoned homestead in the bush. We are happy he has been arrested and will be charged for his crime,” she said.
Villagers had told The Chronicle that Ncube had a tendency of beating up Moyo over non-payment of lobola for his sister.
“Fayo had a habit of demanding lobola from Moyo whenever he got drunk. He would beat him up even at the bar.
“On the fateful day as the two walked home from the bar, Fayo started to demand the lobola. As the two neared Ncube’s home, Fayo called out to his son to bring him his sjambok,” a villager had said.
A neighbour had said the two had been seen earlier on that fateful night drinking beer at Lutho Business Centre.
“As the two walked home, a misunderstanding over their usual topic of the bride-price arose. Fayo started to beat up Moyo and as they neared his home, he called out for his son to bring a sjambok.
“The son quickly brought the weapon. Fayo grabbed the whip from the young boy and started to assault Moyo,” he said.
The neighbour said Fayo continued to chase after Moyo as he ran to his home.
“He continued to beat him up until Moyo decided to retaliate. He picked up a log and struck Fayo several times on the head. He immediately fled from the scene and we haven’t seen him to date.
“He (Fayo) fell unconscious on the ground and his son who had later decided to follow them, found his father lying in a pool of blood”.
Chief Mabhikwa said he was pleased with the way the community came together and assisted police to arrest the suspect.
“Bad people should be removed from the community as they are a danger to others. I continue to urge the community to learn to resolve disputes through dialogue. Violence results in loss of lives.”
National police spokesperson Chief Superintendent Paul Nyathi said he had not yet received information on the arrest of the Moyo.

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