To be a homosexual is honourable, a gift from God, God makes no mistakes - Gay Pastor writes

Monday 17 October 2016

To be a homosexual is honourable, a gift from God, God makes no mistakes - Gay Pastor writes

Nigeria’s gay pastor, Jide Macaulay, a gay Theologian and the Founder and Project Director of House Of Rainbow, took to his page to write about how honourable it is to be homosexual. Read what he wrote after the cut.
“To be a homosexual is honourable, a gift from God. It is who I am. God makes no mistakes. Knowing the truth as a gay Christian is liberating and gives me the most joy of my freedom.
I have paid the price for lying to be heterosexual. Pretending to be who you are will only harm you. EVERYONE was hurt, my father, mother, wife, son, my siblings, in-laws, friends and relatives etc.
I was FORCED to lie. I justified these lies with religion, culture, tradition and law. I lied to myself for all of my adolescence, I lied to my family and friends. Because I didn’t know any better. I lied to my ex-wife because I was afraid of telling the truth.
I lied in my prayers asking God to cure me of homosexuality instead of helping me to come to terms.
My religious belief and dogma nearly killed me. I wrongly married a woman and badly hurt everyone.
I suffered emotional and psychological breakdown and through it all I survived. – Reverend Jide Macaulay”

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