Sleeping for 8 hours each night is unhealthy - Research

Friday, 7 October 2016

Sleeping for 8 hours each night is unhealthy - Research

We all know that too little  sleep is bad for you, however this study, suggest that too much sleep is also unhealthy.

According  to researchers from the University  of California, those who sleep for long hours between 9 to 10 hours a night seem to have more issues, ranging from difficulty  in falling asleep,  staying asleep, plus a whole lot of other problems.

It seems that those who sleep eight hours have the least problems. Those who sleep  7 hours each night also had problems falling asleep and waking up .

In this study,  1004 adults had to answer a sleep questionnaire. The questions asked how many hours they slept each night (it was an ongoing questionnaire) whether they found it easy to fall asleep, did they wake during the night, did they wake up early in the morning and could they not get back  to sleep again, they suffer from fatigue during the day.

Those who slept so much were more likely to experience  all the problems on the questionnaire than those who slept eight hours each night.

One of the researchers also said that people who sleep too much find it hard to rest at night because  they spend too much time in bed. He suggested one way to get rid of insomnia is to spend less time in bed.

Also,  he said here might be a link between sleeping too much and depression.

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