Senate will stop MTN's bid to sack workers

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Senate will stop MTN's bid to sack workers

The Senate said Wednesday that it would reject moves by Mobile Telephone Network, MTN, to sack Nigerians working in the telecommunication industry without recourse to global rules and practices.

Speaking to journalists today, when confronted with media report that MTN Nigeria Limited recently sacked over five hundred staff, Chairman, Senate Committee on Communications, Senator Gilbert Nnaji, said, ” as the representatives of the people we cannot fold our alms and watch our constituents being oppressed by employers of labour.

We cannot in any way tolerate such. At the same time, we shall ensure that our foreign investors are not unduly threatened. When my attention was drawn to this ugly development I immediately contacted the Managing Director of the company.”

Although he said that facts were somehow misrepresented in the report he still admitted that it was only the short-term contract staff who work in the call centres that were affected.

He said, “I then let him know that it would be proper for him to review the action especially in view of the biting economy in the country. It is only when that option fails that the committee and by extension, Senate, would take a position to protect our people”.
“MTN has since denied the report. This is the second time in one week that the South African telecoms giant making public denial.
“Just last Wednesday it denied an allegation that it had illegally repatriated 13.92 billion dollars from Nigeria, saying the claim was without merit.”

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