Security footage of thieves who robbed Kim Kardashian emerges (Watch Video)

Friday, 21 October 2016

Security footage of thieves who robbed Kim Kardashian emerges (Watch Video)

The thieves who stole from Kim Kardashian were captured on street-side cameras as they made their escape with the millions of dollars worth of her jewelry, according to a new report by TMZ.

via TMZ:
The video shows the 5 alleged robbers, 3 on bicycles and 2 on foot, start approaching Kim's apartment complex at 2:19 AM on October 3.
According to the time code on the CCTV footage -- just released on France's M6 News -- the suspects fled the apartment about 49 minutes later. One of the men on bike appears to be toting a backpack during the getaway, and all of them are moving much faster. The camera looks to be at least 40-50 feet away, and the suspects are extremely blurry. Police have not said if they have any leads on the perpetrators.

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