Say What | Traveler defecates inside Airport after disembarking Plane ...Then this Happened!

Friday 14 October 2016

Say What | Traveler defecates inside Airport after disembarking Plane ...Then this Happened!

A British man has been fined heavily for defecating at an Italian airport. The man defecated in public just after disembarking the plane.

Italian police called the act obscene, especially as it was done in the full glare of close to 50 people, before he was shielded by the police.

Border police intervened when the man, who had flown from Manchester to Brindisi in Apulia with budget carrier RyanAir, was apparently unable to wait to use the airport toilet.

The 68-year-old removed his trousers and defecated on the asphalt at Brindisi airport, between the aircraft and the gate to the airport, Italian media reported on Wednesday.

He was unable to give an explanation for the act, and was described as being in a “state of mild agitation”.

He received a fine for €3,333 for ‘obscene acts’ a few days after the incident while on holiday in Lecce, according to local paper, Brindisi Report.

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