President Obama names his essential sci-fi films, TV shows

Thursday 13 October 2016

President Obama names his essential sci-fi films, TV shows

President Obama has named his favorite out-of-this-world properties, including Star Wars, the Star Trek television series, Blade Runner, and more.

Of Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope, Obama praised the film "because it was fun and revolutionized special effects." He loved the Star Trek series, which ran from 1966 to 1969, since it "wasn't actually about technology. It was about values and relationships."

Blade Runner makes the grade because "it asks what it means to be human," while The Matrix, in addition to having weighty ideas, "looks very cool."

Obama's is an avowed science-fiction fan, and a noted Trekkie. When Leonard Nimoy died in 2015, the president released a statement professing his admiration for Spock and the actor.
"I loved Spock," Obama wrote.
[Entertainment Weekly]

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