Pls Help! I saw stuff in my guy's Phone, should I confront him?

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Pls Help! I saw stuff in my guy's Phone, should I confront him?

A lady is current in dark ... She is not sure if it is an idea to confront his BF about the discovery she saw on his phone. 

The story was shared on online relationship page, break_or_makeup ... Read below: 

I met this guy 3 weeks ago, he offered to give me a ride to work which i accepted cause i was running late. After he dropped me, we exchanged numbers and we got talking. We became friends and talked several times in a day. We still talk tho. While talking, he told me he didn't have friends and he just broke up with his girlfriend about three months ago and the girl is about to get married. There was a chemistry between us and i liked him cause he was always himself, no forming. He also introduced me to his sisters and some friends(just saying).
There was this particular day we went out, he forgot his phone in my bag, i had to keep it with me overnight because it was too late to return it. I ended up going through his phone cause something kept telling me to. Thankfully, i knew his pattern lock. I saw several recent pictures of he and a particular girl... as recent as a month. There were also pictures of he and the girl as far back as early 2015 (y'all know what that means). I also saw pics of he and another girl in a hotel room, he was naked while the girl was clothed. I was so shocked when i saw those pics. My attitude towards him changed completely but i kept it cool. I can't even bear to see him. I haven't seen him since i made that discovery but i still talk to him cause i feel like i deserve an explanation cause i need to understand why he'll tell such a lie effortlessly and still tell me his phone password when he knows i can discover the truth. 
The fkboy has noticed a change in my behaviour and is always asking what the problem is. I can't just bring myself to tell him that i went through his phone and saw stuff and i was also advised to just keep studying him to uncover more 'secrets'. So, bom family, do you think i should just confront him or what?
For those that'll insult me, thanks in advance, your reward is in heaven. *winks*

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