Miracle! 60 Year Old Woman Give Birth To Twins

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Miracle! 60 Year Old Woman Give Birth To Twins

“Age is but a number with God,” Claudette Cook, 60, said after giving birth to fraternal twins last week, The Root report. “Plus, I was healthy and in shape. I was like…I know I can do this. No matter how hard it was, He brought me through it all, so, awesome God.”

Cook gave birth to twin boys named Isaac and Isaiah, each weighing in at five pounds. The babies arrived nearly a month before the Indiana native’s original due date, WFIE adds.

“I cried,” Cook said after becoming a new mom. “You look at TV and you see other people in the delivery room and… it’s like, oh my goodness, and it was me…Everything changed in that moment. Once they’re born, your life changes.”
Cook, and her husband, Ross’ new bundles of joy also arrived days after she turned 60-years-old, making them the ultimate gift.


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