Lauretta Onochie: “Buhari Will Step on Big Fat Toes & Heavens Will Not Fall”

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Lauretta Onochie: “Buhari Will Step on Big Fat Toes & Heavens Will Not Fall”

This is a change government. There will be changes to the ways we do things in Nigeria. If we continue in the ways we have done it in the past, we will continue to be saddled with the same woes we are suffering today.

The rule of law is being respected by those in authority for the first time in our recent history. For instance, Col Sambo Dasuki is being held LAWFULLY.

Attacks and Petitions based on falsehood can continue to fly around. It’s corruption fighting back so it makes no difference because there’s a focus. CHANGE MUST HAPPEN.

More Judges, evidently corrupt ones, will be pulled in by the DSS, EFCC, Police, Customs, NDLEA, and Ordinary Nigerians who can obtain a warrant. That’s according to The NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCIES ACT Section 2 Sub (3). It also covers the activities of the DSS.

?DSS is also, covered by ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACT, ACJA 2015, signed into law by Ex-president Jonathan exactly 2weeks before the handover to President Buhari.

Read this:


This is what the law provides…

? 12. (1) Where A PERSON or Police officer acting under a warrant of arrest or otherwise having authority to arrest, has reason to believe that the suspect to be arrested has entered into or is within any house or place, the person residing in or being in charge of the house or place shall, on demand by the police officer or person acting for the police officer, allow him free access to the house or place and afford all reasonable facilities to search the house or place for the suspect sought to be arrested.

? (2) Where access to a house or place cannot be obtained under subsection (1) of this section, THE PERSON or Police officer may enter the house or place and search it for the suspect to be arrested, and in order to effect an entrance into the house or place, MAY BREAK OPEN ANY OUTER OR INNER DOOR OR WINDOW OF ANY HOUSE OR PLACE, whether that of the suspect to be arrested or of any other person or otherwise effect entry into such house or place, if after notification of his authority and purpose, and demand of admittance duly made, he cannot obtain admittance…..

?Toes, big fat toes will be stepped on. Heavens will not fall. Ordinary Nigerians have been ruined by the activities of corrupt judges in this nation. Our institutions have been wrecked. About time!

Some confused Nigerians have made a singsong out of “Buhari must restructure Nigeria or we die”. They have no understanding that it’s the role of the Sleeping beauty, the National Assembly. Arresting judges suspected of corruption is all part of that restructuring within the purview of the executive.

It’s nauseating that those calling for restructuring cannot recognise restructuring in the arrest of the Judges as they are up in arms, in condemnation of the cleansing of the judiciary.

But We now have a leader, a President, who has the political will and the good moral standing to lead Nigerians in an onslaught against institutionalised corruption and decay.

Nigerians must speak us in support of our nation as we battle to recover our nation from the corrupt cabal that had held our nation ransom.

God bless Nigeria.

God bless us Everyone.

Lauretta Onochie

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