Security Man beaten to stupor for not Feeding Dogs

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Security Man beaten to stupor for not Feeding Dogs

A 47-year-old man, simply identified as Nwokedi Henry alleg­edly beat his security man, Shehu Garuba to coma yesterday morning in Sulieman Barua Road behind Sarafinna in Suleja, Niger State.

Henry was a dog trainer. He allegedly beat the se­curity man to coma for not serving food to the dogs.

Henry narrated to our correspondent, the way and manner his security has tor­tured his dogs in his absence.

“Dogs can’t talk, but as a dog trainer, I can understand the moods of dogs, I’ve noticed my dogs bark at me with an angry look on their face when I want to observe how they feel.
“Their food plates are very clean as if they have never been used. My dogs will al­ways leave some paste of food on the body of their plates every time they are fed,” he said.
An eyewitness ex­plained that the se­curity man was fond of torturing the dogs whenever his master was away on a trip by leaving them hungry and barking. The dogs had several times at­tempted to bite people when they are let off the chain.

The source said: “When Oga Henry is away on a foreign trip, the dogs suffer most as Garuba diverts all attention and money to feed the dogs for his personal effect.
“We’ve been watch­ing and observing Ga­ruba on how he goes out and comes in with polyethene bags probably for his com­fort, but I bet you not for the dogs because you will always hear the dogs barking with anger.
“There are ways dogs bark to signify their mood at a par­ticular time. But in the case with these two dogs, they bark with anger.
However, the secu­rity man was said to have been taken to a nearby hospital unconscious where the drip was fixed to revive him.

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