Say What | This Man work at the ongoing #Rio2016 is to distribute CONDOMS

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Say What | This Man work at the ongoing #Rio2016 is to distribute CONDOMS

The Olympics have gotten the reputation of being quite a sexed up affair, and the Rio Olympics are looking to be no exception. Pictures have been circulating on social media of Eric. Eric's job is to walk around the Olympics with a big sack of condoms -handing them out to athletes.

The International Olympic Committee for Rio 2016 has provided more than 450,000 condoms for the two-week games. That's a lot more than any other Olympics. This works out at 42 per athlete or nearly three a day across the games.

Rodger Sherman — the reporter who revealed the tireless work of this young patriot — said Eric was unable to give an interview because he had to “deliver more condoms.”

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