Oh Dear! Scammers hijack funds donated for leukaemia girl's dream trip to Disneyland

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Oh Dear! Scammers hijack funds donated for leukaemia girl's dream trip to Disneyland

The dream of a sick little girl to see Disneyland might just be cut short after some group of scammers hijacked her fundraising platform.

According to report by UK Mirror, Kimberley Newton-Robinson, 6, is fighting the blood cancer but her family's hopes of taking her to the Paris park have been hit by fraudsters

Vile scammers hijacked an internet fund-raising campaign to ­send a little girl with leukaemia on a dream trip to Disneyland.

Brave six-year-old Kimberley Newton-Robinson is a fanatic for the family films so her mum Lauren wanted to take her to the Paris theme park.

Lauren, 22, set up a GoFundMe page to raise £4,000 for the trip, hopefully in time for the end of Kimberley’s hospital treatment and her seventh birthday.

But then she was contacted and told the web page had been stolen in a low-life bid to divert wellwishers’ cash.

After learning of the scam, stunned Lauren said: “There’s cruel and there’s cruel but this is beyond that. These people are the lowest of the low.”

The crooks had copied all the details from the page, including details of Kimberley’s treatment and treasured pictures of her, some while she was undergoing chemotherapy.

They then set up another website to channel donations from supporters, claiming these would go to help a girl called “Katie”.

The crooks also bombarded Facebook accounts begging people for help.

Lauren knew things were wrong when she was contacted by loved ones saying complete strangers had asked them for cash.

Part of one concerned message read: “Hiya, this may seem weird but do you know someone called Haylee Smith? She’s using your child’s picture.”

The phoney website has now been taken down but Lauren has no way of knowing how much money might have gone into it.

She said: “We’ve no idea. They were bombarding people with requests – it could have been a lot.”

Lauren alerted both GoFundMe and Action on Fraud but there was not enough information for a prosecution.

Lauren, from Marlpool, Derbyshire, told the Sunday People: “People need to be aware this sort of thing can happen.
“I just thought something good would come of the campaign for my little girl, she has been so brave.”

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