WTF! Man rapes women then forced them to drink his blood

Sunday, 17 July 2016

WTF! Man rapes women then forced them to drink his blood

A man was arrested on a charge of rape after being accused of raping women and drinking their blood, according to police in the United Kingdom.

McCarthy has been charged with four counts of rape. McCarthy denied the allegations, saying that the sexual encounters were consensual.

According to the police investigation, McCarthy had a dog collar and cage in his bedroom, and he allegedly used them to abuse and humiliate his victims.

McCarthy used a razor to cut his chest and forced his victims to drink his blood before putting some in a bottle of vodka to keep it fresh.

McCarthy made a cut on one woman’s leg and sucked her blood. The women made repeated trips to his house, where he handcuffed them and placed them in the cage.

He also punched the women in their faces. McCarthy demanded the women to call him master.


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