Pls Advise | “My Boyfriend’s Dad Attempted to Kiss Me after Touching My Bum”

Monday 25 July 2016

Pls Advise | “My Boyfriend’s Dad Attempted to Kiss Me after Touching My Bum”

Bunmi of Vanguard was sent this relationship puzzle to solve by a reader named Uju who is currently running out of ideas. 

Read her letter below:

Dear Bunmi,

I know I get on well with my boyfriend’s family. We’ve been an item for a few years now, but at a recent party, his dad tried to kiss me after giving me a playful smack on the bum. We’d all had too much to drink but I told my boyfriend about it right away. In the morning, I didn’t make an issue of it as it looked as if both father and son had forgotten all about the incident.

Thinking it was a one-off, I put it all behind me but sometime later, he made another pass at me. This time, we were both sober and I was indignant.

He apologized and promised it would never happen again. I was stunned by his behaviour to say the least. I know I should have mentioned it to my boyfriend but I was too shocked to think straight. How should I handle this?

From Uju

1 comment:

  1. No advice other than you should be careful the way you approach him next time..


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