NANS says they will take President Buhari’s anti-corruption crusade to Campuses

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

NANS says they will take President Buhari’s anti-corruption crusade to Campuses

Members of National Association of Nigerian Students have declared support for President Muhammadu Buhari’s ongoing anti-corruption campaign.

The association made the its position known in a statement issued in Abuja on Tuesday by its acting President/National Convention Chairman, Mr Prince Miaphen.

It said that the students were in support of the move to recover all funds stolen by corrupt former public officials and civil servants, noting that corruption had for long remained the bane of Nigeria’s development.

The group said: “We strongly commend the zest and diligence of the Buhari administration in the war against corruption as it has made it resoundingly clear that indeed a new no-nonsense sheriff is in town and there is no hiding place for any former or present corrupt official.
“It further makes bare that President Buhari is a man that matches his words with commensurate action because the anti-corruption crusade was a cardinal part of his presidential campaign manifesto.
“We are fully aware that some trepid and disgruntled corrupt individuals and organisations are stopping at nothing to discredit and sabotage the ongoing war against corruption.
“Some say it is selective, claiming it is targeted at decimating the opposition.
“However, we are yet to see a single individual or organisation that is standing trial or being investigated for corruption under the current administration that has not had his/its fingers tainted with corruption.’’
While noting that corruption breeds nepotism, incompetence, apathy, among others, NANS urged the president not to relent in the war in spite of criticisms from some quarters.

NANS urged Buhari not to be distracted by the bickering of disgruntled politicians and public servants who would rather wish that the status quo of corruption be sustained.

It also urged all Nigerians to be wary of the antics of such people.

The group said it would partner Buhari by taking the anti-corruption crusade to campuses.
“We intend to partner with Mr President by taking the anti-corruption war to the campuses.
“The quest to revamp our educational sector must also integrate the need to stamp corruption out of the corridors of our Ivory towers which has frustrated all efforts to bring our academic institutions to competitive standards,’’ the group added.

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