MASSOB Calls for Referendum

Monday, 4 July 2016

MASSOB Calls for Referendum

The Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) has renewed its earlier call for a referendum for Biafra separation from Nigeria.

MASSOB, in a press statement issued on Sun­day by its Leader, Uchenna Madu, argued that refer­endum remained the only solution to the various agitations for self determi­nation by different people groups in the country.

The pro- Biafra group advised the President Mu­hammadu Buhari-led Fed­eral Government to better brace up for a referendum as recently done by the Brit­ish government instead of the unnecessary clamping down on agitators.

The statement reads in part: MASSOB insist that referendum is the only so­lution for these numerous gigantic political imbal­ances against the future of the people of Biafra; a referendum that will de­termine & uphold the sovereignty of the rights, choice & wishes of the in­digenous people that are clamouring for Biafra; a referendum that will also determine the stupidity or justification of over 16 years of Biafra struggle for actualisation & restora­tion.”

MASSOB blamed Brit­ain for cramming the dif­ferent ethnic nationalities in Nigeria into one coun­try without their consent just for British economic interest, arguing that Ni­geria has expired and due for disintegration.

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