Photo: Woman busted after she goes to hotel with her baby To have sex with client

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Photo: Woman busted after she goes to hotel with her baby To have sex with client

An alleged commercial sex worker has been apprehended after she went with her baby to a hotel to have sex with a man. She was arrested by the supposed client who is an undercover police officer who was conducting a prostitution sting.

Ciara M. Steffen, 25-year-old of New York, was arrested on child endangerment and prostitution charges on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 after she brought her 14-month old daughter along to perform sexual act with the ‘client’.

Amherst Police said that Steffen clamed she did not find a babysitter and therefore took her baby in tow with an agreement to lock her up in the bathroom during their encounter.

She was however, shocked when she learnt that the client was actually a police officer and was arrested after a brief struggle.

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