Photo: Meet the 52 years old mum who still breastfeeds her 6 year old daughter

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Photo: Meet the 52 years old mum who still breastfeeds her 6 year old daughter

First I thought there use to be lactation period? I remember these biological terms vividly and at 52 years where would the breast milk be coming from? Biko, someone with more idea, help solve this ...

Maha Al Musa, 52, from Australia, shared photos of her still nursing daughter Aminah. In Aussie TV show Inside Story: Mother Knows Best,she says 
"My heart goes out to people who criticise me - and I respect people's criticism. "This isn't about breastfeeding children. This is about the attack and disrespect of the feminine."I have never had anybody come to me when I'm breastfeeding Aminah and said a nasty word against me."People can say whatever they like. I know what I'm doing as a mother, I've raised three beautiful, healthy, intelligent, well-adjusted children and that's all that matters to me."

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