Photo: Meet The Woman Who Collapses anytime she laugh

Friday 10 July 2015

Photo: Meet The Woman Who Collapses anytime she laugh

Tracy Herring, 44, suffers from a rare condition called cataplexy - a sudden loss of muscle control. It causes her to collapse when she experiences strong emotions, including anger and laughter - meaning she avoids comedy shows and films

She becomes temporarily paralysed on the left hand side of her body. Also to avoid getting any emotion or such feeling She has not seen a comedy film since 2003, when she was diagnosed 
Ms Herring suffers the rare condition cataplexy, which causes attacks of muscular weakness when she experiences heightened emotions, or finds something funny

Miss Herring, who lives in Sheffield, suffers from a rare condition called cataplexy which causes sudden muscle weakness triggered by strong emotions.
'In my case laughter caused my neck to weaken,' she said. 'I lose control of my limbs and become paralysed on my left side.
'It usually only lasts for a few seconds but it is frightening.'
 When she has an attack of cataplexy, the whole left hand side of her body becomes paralysed. She is pictured with her mother and partner Michael Wild, 45

[UK Daily Mail]

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