Meet the woman that Does More With Her Feet Than Some Persons Do With Their Hands Hands #JessicaCox

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Meet the woman that Does More With Her Feet Than Some Persons Do With Their Hands Hands #JessicaCox

Meet the woman who does more things with feet than majority of people arms. Yes, this is very true as many people have arms and feet but yet they are disabled. 

Meet Jessica Cox, who was born without arms, but she isn't letting her disability stop her from living life to the fullest. The 32-year-old wore prosthetic limbs as a child, but eventually decided that she preferred using her feet.

"There's nothing that can substitute the tactile ability of flesh and bone--and my feet have that ability," she recently told the Daily Mail. "Naturally people saw me not having arms as a limiting factor--but I was there to prove them wrong."
See some of the list of things she can actually do that you might not be able to do with her arms:

She's a record breaker
According to an appearance on Inside Edition, she was once afraid of flying, a fear she overcame by becoming a pilot. As the first armless woman to earn a pilot's license, Cox was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2011.

She can probably beat you up
Cox has also become the first armless black belt in the American Tae Kwon Do Association, where she met her husband Patrick Chamberlain. Chamberlain recently told the Daily Mail about Cox: "She is unrelenting, positive, and unstoppable, and has opened my eyes to new possibilities since the day I met her."

She's a pretty good pianist
Currently, the Tucson, Arizona-based couple are learning to play the hit "Let It Go" from Frozen, she told the Daily Mail. Other things she uses her feet for: making her bed, using her phone, writing, applying makeup, and opening a beer bottle.

The only thing she has trouble with? Doing her hair, which hubby Chamberlain is happy to help with (#relationshipgoals).

Watch Some of Her Video Below:

[culled from huffpost]

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