Enrique Iglesias suffers onstage injury during a performance

Monday, 1 June 2015

Enrique Iglesias suffers onstage injury during a performance

Singer Enrique Iglesias performed for 30 minutes covered in blood on Saturday night after injuring himself onstage. He sliced open two of his fingers as he attempted to grab a drone which he sometimes uses to show the audience a point of view angle during a performance at the Bull Fight Ring in Tijuana, Mexico, leaving his white t-shirt stained with blood, but he carried on for half an hour despite being advised to end the show.

Enrique's rep Joe Bonilla said on Instagram ...
''Last night Enrique had a show at a bullfight ring in Tijuana, Mexico for 12k+ people as part of his #SexandLove world tour. During the show a drone is used to get crowd shots and some nights Enrique grabs the drone to give the audience a Point of View shot".
''Something went wrong and he had an accident. He was semi-treated by crew on the side of the stage to try and stop the bleeding. He was advised to stop the show.He decided to go on and continued playing for 30 minutes while the bleeding continued throughout the show.''
Joe further thanked fans for their ''love and concern'' and revealed that Enrique was met by an ambulance at the nearby airport after his show, and is now seeing a specialist in Los Angeles.
''He was rushed to the airport where an ambulance met him there. He was then put on a plane to LA where we was then put on a plane to see a specialist. We will continue to update as we have more info. Thank you all for your love and concern.''

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