Dwayne Johnson not scared of phone hack cause he doesn't take naked photos

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Dwayne Johnson not scared of phone hack cause he doesn't take naked photos

Dwayne Johnson popular known as 'The Rock' seem to be one of those celebs who is not scared of their mobile phone getting hack. His reason is that he doesn't take naked photos, so there is obviously nothing the hackers would use to indite him.

The 43-year-old bachelor has insisted he would have nothing to hide if his mobile phone got hacked because he refuses to take revealing snaps of himself.
He said: ''I don't have anything that needs to be hacked on this phone.''
The Rock who divorced his wife of 11 years, Dany Garcia, with whom he has 13-year-old daughter Simone, in 2008 - instead claimed he's too ''smart'' to take such photos, and is careful about what he keeps on his device following the celebrity hacking scandal in which numerous famous faces had intimate images leaked.
He continued: ''I'm safe! I'm smart! I don't take pictures of myself naked or anything like that.''

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