US Bikers plan armed anti-islamic protest whilst ISIS threaten to attack with IEDs

Saturday, 30 May 2015

US Bikers plan armed anti-islamic protest whilst ISIS threaten to attack with IEDs

After the Garland, Texas shooting bikers are organizing an anti-Islam protest outside of a Mosque. The event reads:

On Friday, May 29, 2015, a group of bikers in Arizona plan to host an anti-Islam demonstration outside of the Islamic Community Center in Phoenix.

Dubbed as “Freedom of Speech Rally Round 2,” a reference to American blogger Pamela Geller’s ‘Draw Muhammad’ cartoon contest in Garland, Texas earlier this month, the event, organized on Facebook, is described as a “response to the recent attack in Texas where 2 armed terrorists with ties to ISIS, attempted to kill a bunch of people.”

Prior to gathering outside of the mosque, the motorcyclists say they’ll meet in a nearby Denny’s parking lot, where they’ll have a “Muhammad cartoon contest.”

They plan to take the images of Islam’s prophet to the Islamic Community Center at 6:15pm that evening a time when the Muslim community is expected to gather inside.

The Draw Muhammad contest organized by Jon Ritzheimer in Phoenix, Arizona led to angry clashes between protesters and counter-protesters .

Ritzheimer urged attendees to bring guns to the event and had shirts made that read 'F*** Islam' 
Law enforcement and Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona expressed how worried they are about the event 
'Of course I'm a believer in free speech and the First Amendment. I'm also a believer in good judgment and common sense,' said Ducey.

Ritzheimer selected the site of the contest, the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, because Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi attended the mosque.

ISIS is calling for lone wolf attacks on the Ritzheimer who planned the Draw Muhammad contest in Phoenix.

Members of the terrorist group have taken to social media and posted the home address of Jon Ritzheimer, the anti-Islam creator of the event that had close to 1,000 in attendance.

One individual, Abu Hussain Al Brittani also mocked and threatened Ritzheimer in one tweet after the man urged attendees to bring their guns to the event, saying;

'Whats your little handguns going to do against an IED that sprays 3000+ ball bearings faster than the speed of sound? #Phoenix #AZ'

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