Unbelievable! Cop Fatally Shoots Fleeing Unarmed Black Man 8 times (Watch Video)

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Unbelievable! Cop Fatally Shoots Fleeing Unarmed Black Man 8 times (Watch Video)

Stories like this makes me wonder if actually there is a different between a white man and a black man apart from his skin color. The number of cases of a white man shooting down a black man in the US is really alarming. But thank God there is an evidence on this case otherwise there would be no case on this ...

According to the report on this story a video has emerge of a white police officer in North Charleston, South Carolina who shot a fleeing unarmed black man five times in the back then handcuffed his lifeless body after he crumpled on the ground. It was captured by a bystander who has been hailed as a hero. He's now in hiding.

Police officer Michael Slager, 33, opened fire on father-of-4 Walter Scott, 50, on Saturday morning April 4th after stopping him over a broken tail light. The police officer was arrested on April 7th after the video was seen by police. He had initially claimed he shot Scott because he feared for his life, but the video shows Scott actually fleeing from him. The officer shot 8 times, three missed Scott, a US Coast Guard veteran. He has now been charged with murder. The video is quite shocking. Watch Video at the bottom of the post ...

Keith Summey, the mayor of North Charleston, termed the killing a 'bad decision' at a press conference announcing the charges.

"When you’re wrong, you’re wrong. When you make a bad decision, don’t care if you’re behind the shield or a citizen on the street, you have to live with that decision.'

On Monday, the police officer's lawyer issued a statement putting across Slager's version of events. He said the officer 'felt threatened and reached for his department-issued firearm and fired his weapon. "Officer Slager believes he followed all the proper procedures and policies of the North Charleston Police Department'.

Scott left and his killer right

But after seeing the shooting tape yesterday, the lawyer said he was no longer representing Slager

Under South Carolina law, Slager could be eligible for the death penalty if convicted of murder.

A lawyer for the family said that the footage shows Slager 'casually' taking Scott's life, and acting as if there would be no repercussions.

Attorney L. Chris Stewart said: 'This was a cop who felt like he could get away with just shooting anybody that many times in the back... He just casually shot a man that many times in the back. At the moment he turned and ran and was not a threat to anybody else that officer was completely unjustified.'

Stewart said the family would also pursue civil charges against Slager. 

He also said that without the video, and the 'hero' who recorded it, there would have been no murder charges.

He told TV crews: 'What happened today doesn't happen all the time - what if there was no video?'
'What if there was no witness - or hero - to come forward?

'The initial reports stated something totally different - the officer said Mr Scott attacked him and tried to use his Taser on him. But somebody was watching.'

Scott's brother, Anthony, spoke after his brother's death. He said Walter had a fiancĂ©e, two siblings and four children. 

The Mercedes Scott was driving when he was stopped apparently over a burned-out tail light
Video Below:

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