TV presenter Who joke about the cheap cost of her boobjob ordered to pay compensation to surgeon

Wednesday 8 April 2015

TV presenter Who joke about the cheap cost of her boobjob ordered to pay compensation to surgeon

Simona Trasca a Romanian television presenter who recently had a boob job with Surgeon Marek Valcu has been forced to pay compensation after making a joke on-air that the cost of her big boob job was so cheap that the Surgeon would not need to pay tax ... And that statement didn't go well with Marek who sued her.

According to UK Daily Mail Trasca said in an interview on national television that her latest boob job was so cheap her surgeon could not have paid tax on it.

Plastic surgeon Marek Valcu claimed Ms Trasca's comments were defamatory and sued the model and presenter. 

Ms Trasca had made the remark as part of a joke about her latest boob job saying: 'I got such a small bill for such a big job, in fact it was only 2000 lei (£363).

She had then admitted that the course she had actually paid the equivalent of £3,000, which was probably a fairer reflection of the value of her new assets. 

A local court ruled in favour of Dr Valcu, accepted that the comments could be regarded as defamatory and ordered her to pay compensation.

As well as paying Dr Valcu £1,500, Ms Trasca he will also have to take adverts in the main Romanian newspapers pointing out that her statement was not correct.

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