Tonto Dikeh narrates her life story on how she overcame bitterness, anger and suicidal

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Tonto Dikeh narrates her life story on how she overcame bitterness, anger and suicidal

Nollywood Actress and DB Records First Lady Tonto Dikeh was having one those moments and she decided to reminisce on the past in her life, she took to her instagram and shared story of how she struggled with being suicidal, being angry all the time, being a ticking time bomb and then how she manage to pull through all and today she is celebrating 4 years of constant power supply ... And where you thinking it was NEPA or PHCN? Anyway read what she wrote below...
"Woke up reflecting on who I was and how far I have grown spiritually, womanly & physically. I had so much anger, So much venom, so much Hate to give. I didnt understand y neither did i give A hoot. I thot life Was all i Saw, Most of my anger Came from my Childhood (but i did have a great hood), Some came from Been Sick, Another came from been motherless,etc. Darlings i was broken,i was a walking disaster, A thicking time Bomb. I was on a suicide part on a regular sigh# Bottomline I Saved me, I got to realise that no1 cares about your Pain/hurt or life, people already have too much on their plate Or are more Angry about life than u
I came to understand that wirhout me the world wld still go on with nothing missed n might even be a better place,you might b missed for a day,week,years but i bet u u gonno b so forgotten wen its time* i came to unserstand that change i needed was inside me,We really dont maximise our God given Authority AS Gods creations#PRAYER#
*I came to realise that Anger is a more deadly messedup illness than CANCER,my anger was the shield btw i and happiness,Love,Life,etc* I came to realise that my future depends on me letting go of all the hurt/Anger/Negativity and fully committed2 God and living a good life*
* I did realise a couple of things about self love,God/Allah,Food,We RE barely existing n not living without God*Good food is fuel for your mind, soul n body** Release yourself today from Your Burden/Anger/Pain and truly discover a life of constant joy in his grace.. I didnt turn born again or nothing i just realised that I AM SPECIAL.. Good morning Angels #TODAY I CELEBRATE 4YEARS OF CONSTANT ELETRICITY IN MY HOME NOT NEPA THOU LOL

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