Police Release Video from Dash Cam To What Happened Before Walter Scott was Shoot 8 times

Friday 10 April 2015

Police Release Video from Dash Cam To What Happened Before Walter Scott was Shoot 8 times

After the South Carolina Police Michael Slager video suffice showing how he fatally shoot unarmed black man Walter Scott early this week, a lot of persons has criticize the act why some even relate it to racism. As an updates on the case, today Police released dash cam footage showing the traffic stop moments before North Charleston police officer Michael Slager fatally shot Walter Scott in the back Saturday.

In the four-and-a-half minute clip, Slager can be seen pulling behind Scott's Mercedes in a parking lot and approaching the vehicle:
Scott, the car's driver, can be heard telling the officer he is planning to buy the car – and so does not have insurance for it.
Slager then returns to his vehicle. The driver's-side door of the Mercedes opens and Scott begins to run. The passenger in the car remains inside.
CNN reports the passenger reportedly Scott's coworker was detained and placed in a police car.

Watch Video Below:

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